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Teach it! [Aug. 21, 2012, 4:04 p.m.]


Presumably you've had someone or some group of learners in mind when you set out on this journey. If not, think of one that might find your resources helpful. What's the best way to share these resources with those learners? Do you imagine teaching people face-to-face or publishing a web tutorial for anyone in the world to access? How will you use the resources you've collected?
Are you planning to share a bunch of math videos with your niece on YouTube? Maybe you could make a playlist for her or simply send the links in an email. As with everything else in this course, the answers are up to you. How you hope to teach your topic will determine how you share the resources you've collected. The only constant is that they will be organized and attributed (and OPEN!). 


You have the open content, now go out and teach someone something. And report back - what didn't go over so well and why? What worked - what resources were best? 
Communities love stories, especially those behind a well assembled resource. Consider documenting the reasoning behind creating the resource you did.  Wherever you decide to share your work, post links here. How did you decide to share it the way you did? What other options did you consider, and why did you rule them out? Did any challenges come up? 



If you want to learn more about web publishing, teaching methods, or digital storytelling, all of which might help you teach your topic of interest, P2PU has courses on these topics. 
Some great places for sharing your teaching resource might be Vimeo or YouTube for videos, Flickr for photos, or even your own website or blog like Tumblr and WordPress.