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Tech Company Field Trip [Oct. 10, 2012, 5:02 p.m.]

To kick off the program, you will attend a field trip with your team to a local technology company. You will learn about what happens inside of a tech company through hands-on activities, meet the company’s top women executives, and mingle with other girls participating in Technovation from nearby schools.

Mentors can help arrange a field trip at their own company or find another suitable venue. Teachers can also help to arrange field trips. Combine your efforts by reaching out to other teams in your region -- send them a message on P2PU or add a comment below. Field trips can be full-day experiences, scheduled during a week day to get the full effect of the company. At least one teacher or other adult must be present to chaperone students during the field trip. 

Planning a field trip? Check out our Field Trip Guidelines.

Please post comments about field trips below.

Virtual Field Trips:

Teams without access to nearby technology companies can check out our "virtual field trips" below or coordinate a virtual field trip with a remote mentor using Skype or G+ videoconferencing.

(Insert video links here.)