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Pre-Survey for Students [Oct. 15, 2012, 9:47 p.m.]

Welcome to Technovation Challenge!

Before you begin the program, please complete a simple student pre-survey (each person on the team completes the survey). The survey takes about 5 minutes to complete.

At the end of the program, we will ask you to complete a "post-survey." Surveys help us learn what we can do to improve the program for our students. Thank you for your help.

Click here to complete your pre-survey.


Once you have formed teams of 5 for Technovation (teams should be diverse in terms of skill level, age level, and ethnicity), you should create a P2PU account with your team name as your username and a photo of your team in your profile.  Please have this fnished before Hack Day.  Your P2PU team account is what you will use to earn badges, as a team.