Hi all,
I'd like to announce two new projects we are starting:
Mentor of the Week
We would like to feature one mentor each week who can share her story (I'll do an interview), and give advice to the girls. I'd like to align the mentors with topics if possible. For example, it would be great to have a user-interface designer featured for our UI week, etc.
Are you interested in telling your story? Or would you like to nominate your mentor to be featured? Please send me an email: annalise@iridescentlearning.org and tell me a little bit about yourself (or the mentor you are nominating). We will also need a headshot of you and a photo of you with your team. We'll review the submissions and choose one mentor for each week who will be interviewed and featured on our Tumblr blog.
Guest Bloggers
In addition to the featured mentor, we will also be publishing a blog post about each week's topic, written by mentors, teachers, or outside "experts" about each topic. If you or someone you know is qualified to write an article about one of our weekly topics, please email me: annalise@iridescentlearning.org with some information about your background and what you plan to write about.
Thanks in advance for your involvement in these projects! I look forward to hearing from you.