Of the 2012 presidential candidates who has the best economic proposal?
The 2012 election can have a major impact on our lives as Americans. Either a negative impact or a positive impact. As a U.S citizen I can honestly say I am in fear of my life, as well as my Families. The U.S economy is in a period of hardship. Debts, No jobs, people can’t afford to stay healthy, People can’t even afford to feed themselves or their families. This to me is a major issue, and it is also sad. BARACK OBAMA, age 51, party of democrats, and MITT ROMNEY ,age 65, party Republican are running against each other for the presidential position of 2012. BARACK OBAMA says “he sees government having a key role in stimulating economic growth and as the average Americans protector.” BARACK OBAMA favors raising taxes on the wealthy, and lowering taxes on the poor to tackle the federal debt. OBAMA also favors “OBAMACARE”, which is his health-care reform that gives many more people access to affordable health care.
MITT ROMNEY favors lowering taxes for both individuals.He says “he’ll reduce government spending and regulations.” MITT ROMNEY says “He views government as a nuisance: its excessive regulation endanger individual opportunity, and the free markets.” MITT ROMNEY says he would repeal “OBAMACARE” and take a completely different approach. ROMNEY favors lower taxes for both individuals.
A economic plan that I am really big on is OBAMACARE I feel this is extremely important because a lot of people can’t afford to pay hospital bills, and many people are dying because of this reason. OBAMAS economic proposal make more sense to me because instead of just going straight in, and taking away things that people really need and making himself look good. OBAMA is putting the people first and trying to work around eliminating the government because he know there are people out there who desperately need their help. BARACK OBAMA says his foreign policy is based on the belief that “there’s no contradiction between being tough and strong and protecting the American people, but also by abiding by those values that make America great.” A economic plan that I am really big on is OBAMACARE I feel this is extremely important because a lot of people can’t afford to pay hospital bills, and many people are dying because of this reason.
MITT ROMNEY economic proposal to me shows that he does not care about the lower class, or the people who is poor. To me he only cares about the wealthy, and wants to make sure the recession doesn’t affect them in anyway. Romney also has a history of changing his political opinions, when he was governor of Massachusetts he supported health-care reform that requires to buy insurance, proving to me that he’s a flip-flopper who adjust his position to suit the political circumstances. BARACK OBAMA to me is what this economy needs he not only wants to help build back up the economy, but he also cares about the people,and how some of these changes can affect them. Besides most Americans already have a pretty good idea of who OBAMA is. From his alter ego to his economic plans he has won me over.