Research - Wonder and Dream [Sept. 9, 2012, 6:33 p.m.]
Find 2 or 3 journal articles, reports, or scholarly studies on your inquiry. Print (or add to Crocodoc or Docs), then read and annotate. These sources should have higher text complexity and be academic. Check for articles in our Youth Voices folder on Cocodoc. Also add articles you find into a folder there as well.
Use the Guide: Dialectical Notes. Make your Notes public. Link Notes and articles at the bottom of your post.
For this task, choose one of the following places to go deeper with your research:
No matter what teachers |
PDFs are often a |
Use databases such |
When you have finished your annotations and your Dialectical Notes, click the Post Comment button here (on P2PU), and add links to your Dialectical Notes in Google Docs and to a folder where you have collected the article that you've annotated. You can create a folder with a public link both in Google Drive or on your Personal Crocodoc account. You can find the link to a Google Document under the Share button, and remember to make it Public.
Make these two links in a comment -- one to a folder of your annotated articles, the other to your Dialectical Notes -- before you click Yes, I'm done .