Week 2 Reading - February 1- February 7, 2012 [Feb. 1, 2012, 3:50 p.m.]
The reading for week 2 is:
Bigham, J.P., Jayant, C., Ji, H., Little, G., Miller, A., Miller, R.C., Miller, R., Tatarowicz, A., White, B., White, S., and Yeh, T. 2010. VizWiz: nearly real-time answers to visual questions. In Proceedings of the 23nd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST '10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 333-342. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1866029.1866080
Read the paper and write a short comment or response. Post your response and see the discussion on G+ (Link to G+ post forthcoming!)