Forsure Yunome said:
It's Forsure Yunome I created this file with PSPad PsPad is comparable to RJ TextEd, or Geany both top notch and familiar to me. I have been meaning to explore PSPad's functionality. This challenge is the motive I must have been waiting for. Both RJ TextEd and PSPad catch and parse compiler output, integrate external help files and compare versions. Good general IDE's. They are both portable requiring no installation. PSPad offers integrated HEX Editor, Project support, FTP Client, Macro Recorder, File Search/Replace, Code Explorer and Code page conversion. Only drawback so far is that it is Czech developed so the community is predominatly incomprehensible to me. However there is an english section to the forums. Documentation and help for english users is none too shabby. I feel people who are new to the more advanced text editors like Np++, Notepad2,vim, Ultra Edit or Gedit might find it easier to start utilizing the advanced capabilities these programs offer via RJ TextEd or PSPad. My 2 Cents. I would also like to point windows users to this little gem below.