Jae said:
Handwriting sample- check
This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.
This task is going to introduce you to writing a basic html document. But you'll do it on paper, using a pen, for fifteen minutes. Think of this challenge as the Webmaking 101 equivalent of wax on, wax off (from the original Karate Kid film).
I messed up a little, but I understand what is going on. So, I didn't see a need to fix it. The first time I have done this:
Hello, I've made my first piece of html code by hand. You can see it at http://chaosarchitecture.wordpress.com/ - i hope you can decode it. ;)
http://webdesignjourney1.blogspot.com/ here is my wriiten piece!
Here is my handwritten code. Always a good learning/retention exercise!
Haya you can Looc my hand code: http://fono-noosfera.blogspot.com/2013/02/html-by-hand.html
I'd written HTmL code by hand
Here it is posted:
Here is my handwritten code! That was actually quite fun.
Here is my by hand challenge http://www.j-diaz.com/2013/01/16/2-writing-html-by-hand/
So here's the link to the post on my blog 'Programming in Flatland'. I'll admit that the photo is not taken from a vertical view, but all the elements are there.
This code is written by hand!