Michael Henry has been teaching online courses since 1995 and is an eLearning Producer with Point-Productions, specializing in educational multimedia presentations for synchronous web conferencing and asynchronous webcourses. He is responsible for instructional design, development and production of mediated instruction, web conferencing, and interactive multimedia web-based courses.
He created the webcourse development team for The University of Kansas Edwards Campus, while working as the Associate Director of Instructional Development at KU. With early experience in television production, he has taught television production, produced corporate training videos and Instructional Television Programming for PBS Television. His research interests focus on the role of media selection and social presence in mediated instruction.
As a lecturer at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and Ottawa University he is teaching several online classes, including:
New Media Communication [COMST 260P]
Public Relations Theory and Practice [COMST 400P]
Web Graphics and Multimedia [CIT 315P]
Organizational Communications [COMST 30363]
Education: MSEd, University of Kansas, 2000, Education Technology; BA University of Wisconsin, Madison 1980, Communication and Theatre Arts.
eLearning Interests: Multimedia, Social Presence, Team Collaboration and blending F2F and online learning.