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How to become a great programmer.

For this task read the following article by Peter Norvig.

In the comments section below share your answers to the following:

1)Why do you want to learn Linux?

2)What will you need to help you learn?

If you see affinities with anyone else let them know and we can help eachother acheive our goals.

Task Discussion

  • Dan Hassan   May 24, 2011, 3:51 a.m.

    1)Why do you want to learn Linux?

    I want to learn Linux so that I can get to grips with the command line, networking and Apache. I'd like to then go on and learn Ruby. This also seems like a sector where there are jobs that are well paid, to do jobs that are intellectually stimulating. Those can be few and far between in modern day capitalism...

    2)What will you need to help you learn?

    I'll need to set learning goals. I'll need to get involved with different projects that test my skills as I go along.