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Introduction to the Course [March 18, 2012, 6:03 p.m.]

Welcome to the Virtual Worlds, Games and Education MOOC

This course is designed for people who want to learn more about virtual worlds and multi-player games for education.

It is designed for all levels of particpation. We are using the matrix from Dr. Lisa Dawley's Social Network Knowledge Construction as the model for the course.

So feel free to participate at whichever level you want.

1) Identifying Network Opportunities

2) Lurking

3) Contributing

4) Creating

5) Leading


If you haven't done a MOOC or an Open Course, please start by reading About VWMOOC.

To get start in this course, please start by reading Getting Started .

If you did attend the conference, please take a look at this post about using the MOOC as a reflective space.