This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Optional: Blog or start a related discussion.

This is an optional step that can support more audience for your new resource.

Now if you'd like, you can share your resource through various social media tools -- there is a handy tool on every resource page that allows for this. So feel free to send it out to others via your own social networks.

A couple other ideas for sharing your work include posting a blog in Digital Is that highlights that you have created a new resource -- Danielle Filipiak posted a blog about her resource Using Digital Media to (Re) Claim the Hood: Essential Questions and Powerful English Pedagogy as a means of celebrating the rich and powerful work of her students.

Or you can start a discussion related to your resource too. For example, San Diego Writing Project teachers participating in an online twitter project posted both a resource and then started a discussion about the project. See, How has the SDAWP Twitter Fellow project changed the way you view and use Twitter?

We encourage you to do any, or all, of these things too!

Task Discussion