posted message: Did anyone receive the message about the new meeting time for the Blogging group on Mondays? Let's try again next week! I hope to see you there - or if you can't attend to read a comment on the task page.
posted message: Are any Blogging and Writing for the Web participants receiving messages via the Activity Wall (like this?) Please let me know - I sent a message on Sept 25 and received no replies from anyone!
posted message: I have a feeling this group will be more useful if we create a specific schedule and goals for set amount of time. We started off really well, but without enough structure we've lost focus! The group is also very large now and there seems to be a lot of interest in some more professional blogging type tasks to work through. I'd like to see what we can achieve before mid-December. Let's spend the next three weeks thinking about some tangible goals for the group and meet up in mid- October to work out a specific plan for the remaining 8 weeks?
posted message: I'd like to wrap up this iteration of the Deschooling Society book group by mid December. My printout of the book is feeling lonely and needs intensified attention! It would be great if a second version of the group began in 2012 - but there are other books I'd like to run a study group around! I propose that we accept signups until mid October and have a couple of voice meetings to properly meet each other. I think it would also be great if we could identify a [small] final project that we all commit to completing. Maybe we could identify another book to run a similar, but slightly more organised book group around?
posted message: Hi Everyone, apologies about the lack of activity in the Philosophy of Friendship group, I've been busy with formal study and work commitments and didn't realise that the group was listed as active and getting so much attention! It's really great to see so much support from people interested in this topic - unfortunately I can't commit much time to this group until mid October. If you're happy to wait until then we can start actively exploring these ideas together. If you'd like to totally take over and drive this topic yourself sooner, please let me know! I hope you understand that at the moment I can't make this commitment. Best wishes, Pippa
posted message: Thanks to Wanderman for helping to process the outstanding sign-ups!
posted message: Hi, as there's a lot of interesting (and interested) new participants in this group, there is an increasing range of interests and goals. We should collectively identify how best to organise the group and how responsibilities are shared. It will be easiest to do this if we can organise another call. Can you list your name underneath your preferred call times on the Etherpad? The time with the most names will be used to organise the next call. The call is not compulsory, but it's a great way to meet other participants and have your opinion shared. Let me know what time is best! Pippa
posted message: Just a reminder to everyone that Céline ( is the organiser for Designing For Communities. My profile is displayed from when we transferred the group from the old P2PU site. Good luck Celine! This is a great looking course!
posted message: Hey everyone, I'm going to hang out on Voxli and the etherpad for a while this morning. Friday July 15th's Voxli address is (NOTE this is a one time only meeting address). Etherpad as always is
posted message: Thank you to Zuzel for retrieving the "Introduce Yourself" task (and related comments) and showing me how to use a very useful feature in P2PU's Lernanta platform!
posted message: Anyone interested in having a call to discuss the book and other ways we can organise this book group? I'm setting aside Fridays for both my formal and informal learning and would love to join in a Deschooling Society meetup every couple of weeks.
posted message: Hey everyone! I'm back home after several weeks spent helping out my Dad back in Australia. 1) I'd love to kickstart my re/involvement in this group with another call. Is 10am (GMT) on Fridays still good for most people or should we try to schedule the call a little later to make it easier for those in the Americas? 2) Also - the Introduce Yourself task was accidentally deleted. I've put though a request in the hope we can retrieve the data. 3) There are a whole lot of new people in the group who haven't got their blog in our aggregated feed. If you'd like to get your blog feed into the Aggregated group feed please let me know! I hope that you're all well. Pippa
posted message: Hi everyone, we've just transitioned this proposed course from the old P2PU platform. Neil has been busy with a new job but is still interested in developing this group to work through Rebecca Murphey's jQuery Fundamentals book. Can you help him out? As participants you can get involved and create tasks. The jQuery Fundamentals book is well laid out. Perhaps week by week you could work through a section of the book?
posted message: Sorry for not participating as much as I'd like to in all groups I'm involved with. I'm currently back in my hometown in Australia hanging out with an unwell family member. Please send me a direct message if there's something you'd like me to particularly respond to.
posted message: Ah, there were a couple of people who hadn't answered any of the sign-up questions and hadn't updated their profile. I did contact them and ask them to resubmit.
posted message: Is anyone interested in a live meeting for this book group? I like the way that the site keeps archives, but there is something great about synchronous meetings. Perhaps we can hold a debate at the end of the study group? I'd love to get your feedback about this.
posted message: Blogging and Writing for the Web meeting - This Friday, May 13th at 10am GMT! If you can't make this meeting, please suggest a time that suits your schedule and time-zone.
posted message: The latest release of P2PU's Lernanta platform now supports multiple group organisers. If you'd like to help me out please let me know. The primary responsibility of organisers for a group such as Blogging and Writing for the Web is accepting new members. You'll also be able to rephrase the group description and add links to the group sidebar.
posted message: The latest release of P2PU's Lernanta platform now supports multiple group organisers. If you'd like to help me out please let me know. The primary responsibility of organisers for a group such as the Deschooling Society Book Group is accepting new members. You'll also be able to rephrase the group description and add links to the group sidebar.
posted message: Thank you to @Minu for creating the next task - it's time to read Chapter Two everyone! As always feel free to hack and improve on the current task description. Just click "Edit" on the main task page.