How well did the participant remix a page using Hackasaurus?
Nice work
HTML Decoder
Here is my first remix. I ran into some troubble with a <div> element that was "to big to remix". So there is a aqward empty space in the middle!
I think i got some very basic understandings of html code and the web thanks to this, and atleast prooved that i can remix a webpage with the Goggles, in simple ways atleast. Really joyfull tool, this hackasaurus thingey :).
Assessment from Nicolas Figueroa on April 13, 2012, 9:42 a.m.
Nice work
Assessment from TJ on April 14, 2012, 10:05 a.m.
Great first effort, although i dont think I changed my links either it might have ben nice to link to p2pu where you changed the link text. I think the next one I do will be a complete hack redirecting the user and everything.