Super Blogger
Super Blogger



This was my first blog ever. It was fun to make, kinda addictive once you get the hang of it.

I try to make my posts visually appealing with pictures. I'm trying out different layouts for blog posts. And I do enjoy writing the content. I try to make it informative, but try to add in something personal that people can connect to. I try not to make them too long; I know everybody that's reading them is probably from p2pu at this stage, so they want to get moving to their next task and accomplish something.

I deserve this badge because I write clearly and offer the reader a unique comment they won't find on anyone else's blog. I also tried my best with my limited knowledge to pretty-up my blog -- matching colours, setting a background, etc -- before applying for this badge, so tell me what you think!


Link to work submitted


  • Received 1 reviews of the 1 reviews needed.
