Green State Dynamics is a theory of everything and it is based on a very simple concept. Everything from atoms to gravitation, psychology, economics and sociology to name a few are all easily explained in terms of equilibrium and disequilibrium. This book is about how re-examining the use of the word "force" and "disorder" can solve the biggest problems in the sciences and social sciences today.This theory attempts to unite not only gravity with the other four "forces" but unite everything together around the concept that all "forces" are merely different forms of equilibrium and disequilibrium. In this course you will learn what string theory, gravitation, politics, economics and psychology all have in common. Everything has a green state and a green state is a state of equilibrium that is dependent not only upon the subject in question but upon its surroundings. Taught in simple everyday language Green State Dynamics will help you to understand the validity of any theory you apply it to.

The goals of the course are

To give you a firm grounding in Green State Dynamics
To help you to develop a method of analyzing any theory or hypothesis using the terms equilibrium and disequilibrium instead of the term "force" and
To give you an insight that will allow you to develop new theories in any discipline that utilize the concepts of Green State Dynamics.

Target Group

This course is targeted towards anyone who desires to understand how to compare , contrast and implement different scientific and sociological theories using the same criteria.

Who is this course for? Any requirements, prerequisites?

A high school or similar level education will be necessary to understand the materials and concepts presented.


This is an undergraduate-level course. You should plan on investing approximately 2-5 hours a week in class-related work. It is recommended that the assignments be completed according to schedule. If you are unable to adhere to the schedule you may go at your own pace as the course materials will remain available.


Assignments are grouped into weekly blocks but anyone who wishes to conmplete more than one weekly block a week may do so.

Weekly Reading and Blogging

Each week you should read the assigned material and blog answers to the questions for the week, or simply complete assignments for weeks when there are no readings or questions. Your blogging should demonstrate your understanding of the assigned reading material and should include original thoughts and synthesis. Don't just summarize readings. If you disagree with the material then explain your view. There is a course wiki and it is a copy of the course textbook that available for you to comment on and add any supplementary or opposing view points.


Weekly assignments will be reviewed and depending on the size of class participation assignments will be peer reviewed or instructor reviewed. Should enough students make a significant change to the wiki to where a new book can be published, all participants will be given co-author status or bibliographical mention depending upon their level of participation

Week 1:


Week 2:

Week 3:

Key readings, questions, assignments ...

Week 4:

Key readings, questions, assignments ...

Week 5:

Key readings, questions, assignments ...

Week 6:

Key readings, questions, assignments ...