This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Do you need to be qualified to practice PLR therapy and should it be regulated? [Dec. 22, 2011, 7:15 p.m.]

If you are going to perform Past Life Regression on yourself then the answer is no.

All the knowledge is contained in this course and it is free because self PLR should be fun and free.

It is perfectly safe and in 'task 2' of this course you are taught everything you need to know to get yourself up and running with self hypnosis PLR. Do continue with the tasks though because it is the collaboration which makes this an enhanced course for all the participants and organisers.



If you plan to practice PLR on someone else then, yes, you will need to obtain formal training (which is beyond the scope of this course). Just out of interest. Ask yourself 'what is involved in PLR training?'

Leave a comment saying if you think the practice of past life regression should be regulated.



Organiser to write in this space what PLR training involves.

And to mention an example of an accrediting organisation.