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    posted message: I am currently following over 200 other people and groups, so it will take a while to group them all in to lists, but here's the start of one, called Education "Reform" https://twitter.com/DeannaCB/education-reform
    14 Oct 2012 via courses.p2pu.org
    posted message: My shortened URL tweet: Opting out of tests - easy until it gets hard! http://goo.gl/AFrEr
    13 Oct 2012 via courses.p2pu.org
    posted message: That was easy. I already knew how to RT. In fact, it's one of the few things I already knew! Education Week ‏@educationweek What are some ways teachers can reduce students' boredom? Join our latest discussion @EdWeekTeacher: http://www.edweek.org/forums/education-forums_off-topic_combating-classroom-boredom … Retweeted by Deanna C Belcher
    13 Oct 2012 via courses.p2pu.org
    posted message: On to the next thing! I tweeted a mention of one of my on-campus partners at UO, with a mention of the Millenium Development Goals with a hashtag! @UODuckCorps A student wondered aloud within my earshot how to organize our efforts in to themes. #MGD
    13 Oct 2012 via courses.p2pu.org
    posted message: Hi, I am @DeannaCB. I have been in twitter for a while, and follow folks in education policy, such as @DianeRavitch and @edutopia. I also follow some of my favorite authors (@ciaobellacreech and @naomirwolf). And use twitter to get sports scores from time to time (@OregonWBB and @OregonBaseball). I know how to tweet and share articles, but I haven't really been using it very much since it became quickly overwhelming to me. I am excited to learn how to "curate" tweets and learn how to better use re-tweeting and mentioning to increase my ability to use "the twitter" for professional purposes. The #FF thing was cool, maybe I'll get on that next Friday!
    13 Oct 2012 via courses.p2pu.org

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