This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Getting Started

The first steps needed for this challenge

This course is designed to reinforce key skills and concepts that you will need for AS Physics.

While it is up to you how much of the course you complete, remember that you are doing this for yourself and so cheating and looking ahead at answers etc will be of no help to you.

In addition, if you complete the whole project you will receive a link to a certificate that you can print off and get your Physics teacher to sign.  In order to prove that you have done the course, we recommend that you follow the instructions regarding posting of materials to blogs and in the comments section, and also recommend that you take screen grabs or photographs of your work and acheivements to show them.

Please watch this video for more information:



What you will need for this project:

1) A blog - if you don't already have one, or want a new one then you can set up a really simple one for free here:

2) At points in the course you will have to do calculations to help you select the right answer in quizes. Make sure you have some paper, a pen/pencil and a calculator to hand.

3) Familiarise yourself with the circuit simulation package we will be using.


The task

1) Set up a blog

To help us check your progress, and as a simple way to share screen grabs and pictures of your tasks as well as to share ideas and a love of physics, we would like you to set up a blog (you may have already done this as part of a biology or chemistry bridge project).

  • If you already have a blog, feel free to use that, but if you do not, then you can set up a simple blog here.

  • Once your blog is set up, post an entry saying hello physics people to introduce yourself to your coursemates, then post a link to it in the comments box below.

Please note - blogs, comments and all other interactions should abide by the terms of service of this site, and should be free of offensive language and inappropriate behaviour.


2) Familiarise yourself with the circuit software by watching this introduction video


And now we are ready to get started!

Task Discussion