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Start contributing with the BOINC platform [Feb. 18, 2012, 8:45 a.m.]

BOINC is used by many volunteer computing projects. Some of these projects are based at universities and research labs, others are run by companies and individuals. You can use BOINC to participate in any number of these projects.

BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science projects like SETI@home,, Rosetta@home, World Community Grid, and many others.

  1. Download the BOINC Installer for your platform from here:
  2. Run the installer and follow the on screen instructions
  3. Once BOINC is installed it will ask you to choose a project to support.
  4. Once you have chosen your project, you will be asked to register and new user account
  5. BOINC will install the simulation software for your chosen project and you will begin contributing data
  6. Once you have started contributing post a response to this task including a link to your profile page on the project site, which includes the credits you have achieved through your contribution.