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Identify your domain of study [Jan. 11, 2013, 9:05 p.m.]

  1. Write a short description of your domain of study. Be creative, don't limit yourself to traditional approaches of applying for PhD candidacy. It is important to be mindful of the open and networked nature of this work.
  2. Create a comprehensive summary of what is currently known within your chosen domain of study. This is particularly important for you ability to define what you will be contributing to the domain of knowledge.
  3. Feel free to use many open references and links in describing you chosen domain of study.
  4. Create a concept map or some visual description of your subject domain. Clearly identify where your focus is within the broader subject domain.
  5. If the your chosen research is interdisciplinary, also provide a summary of the releated domains, highlight the overlap(s) and opportunities.
  6. Identify your focused area of reseach within the broader knowledge domain(s).
  7. Be bold, include a sentence or two describing your thesis. (remember, this may change as you deepen your domain knowledge)


Completion of this task also confirms your commitment to undergo an OnPhD that demonstrates an understanding for the criteria for an OnPhD (documented online, open and transparent, iterative progression and knowledge development, etc...)

Publish your related works to your portfolio once you have completed the outcomes described above. Provide a link to this in this tasks discussion thread.