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Attribute the original creators.

You've assembled and adapted your resources in the way you want to teach them. Now it's time to give credit where credit is due.


Building on the work of others is awesome. And recognizing those whose work you're building on is a great practice for encouraging sharing of more resources, even if it's not required. However, all Creative Commons licenses have an "attribution" requirement, which says that if you want to use a licensed work you must provide credit to the original creator. 

Citation vs. Attribution

"Citation" and "Attribution" are often used as synonyms, but they mean two different things. Citation is a scholarly practice for tracking the ideological underpinnings of a work, usually referencing sources like published books, articles, government documents, and primary sources. Citation is a norm, not a legal requirement. Attribution is a legal condition of a license. Attribution is about crediting a copyright holder according to the terms of a copyright license, usually creative works like music, fiction, video, and photography.  


2) Make a list of all the attributions and share it below in the discussion. If you edited or changed a resource, you need to make note of that in your attribution.


What challenges did you run into while providing attributions? How did you decide to format the attributions?

Task Discussion

  • Elizabeth said:

    Love the acronym on the best practices for attribution page.

    "A good rule of thumb is to use the acronym TASL, which stands for Title, Author, Source, License"

    I am working on my infographic here. I'm just not entirely sure how to cite the  youtube movie since it has a standard license, not a CC one.  I think the others are ok. It's my first infographic, so don't judge too harshly!  Just trying to figure it out.

    I found that it's much harder to cite correctly than to just link to media. So it took much longer.  I used wikimedia for the most part. Wikimedia gives you the citations in link and HTML form, so that was helpful.  But the infographis tool I used doesn't create hotlinks, I just had to put in the text.

    on March 27, 2014, 2:24 p.m.
  • Lena said:

    After reading the CC wiki page, I realized I had not properly given attribution to soem of the original photographers/artists- I had only given attribution to the person who sharec the photo on flickr. I will defnitely have to be mindful of this is the future!

    on Oct. 24, 2013, 4:08 p.m.
  • Maria Teresa said:

    I have carefully read the pages listed above and I think they are really full of information and very useful tips. With regard to my work after having remixed the image, depending on the initial conditions set by the author, I attributed at this  the license BY-SA and I have indicated below the picture  the original source.
    on Sept. 1, 2013, 11:34 a.m.
  • Sérgio Leal said:

    After reading CC wiki page I realize that I have lack of information about the autor of the original image. Tell my ifthis is correct now please:

    on Aug. 27, 2013, 11:22 a.m.
  • Chilebean said:

    After reading through the Wiki page, it is pretty clear that my students have not really shared their remixed work in the proper manner.  Typically I have asked them to just provide the links to images they have used.  For instance, if they used "Share-alike" images, they should have reshared their image under the same license.

    on April 26, 2013, 6:34 a.m.

    Jane Park said:

    Your students might find some of the CC license attribution resources or remix games listed under Additional Resources at Week 4 of CC for K-12 Educators useful to help them with proper attribution and remix.

    on April 29, 2013, 6:53 p.m. in reply to Chilebean