
Why did Lincoln free the slaves? | In Michael Jay Friedman’s essay, "Lincoln As Emancipator," the author is discussing Abraham Lincoln as an great emancipator. Some people thought he was an opportunist. They also thought he lagged... Added on Friday, November 9, 2012 - 15:12, with 7 comment(s)
The Truth About Lincoln ! | Lincoln was not a sallow mean hardcore man who didn't understand what was right and what was wrong he did what he felt was right which was freeing the slave because that was something that he felt... Added on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 - 13:52, with 0 comment(s)
Lincoln's View On African American People ! | Something that I have been interested in learning more about has been Lincoln’s view on how he felt about the African american people. I remember when my grandmother was talking about it when I was... Added on Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 14:29, with 0 comment(s)
Was Lincoln for Slavery Or Was He Against It? | In the fourth and fifth chapters of Tanya Savory's book, Abraham Lincoln: A Giant Among Presidents from the Townsend library, the author talks about when Lincoln was in New Orléans doing his job. He... Added on Friday, December 7, 2012 - 14:22, with 1 comment(s)
Abraham Growing up & Becoming An Man ! | In the Second & Third chapter of Tanya Savory book Abraham Lincoln “A Giant Among Presidents” from the The Townsend library, the author talks about Lincoln as a young boy and the obstacles him... Added on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 - 14:29, with 0 comment(s)
Lincoln During His Childhood ! | In the introduction and the first chapter of Tanya Savory’s book,”From Abraham Lincoln A Giant Among Presidents” from the The Townsend Library, the author talks about how Lincoln grew up and how... Added on Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 12:50, with 0 comment(s)

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