Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards

Maryland's College and Career-Ready Standards

Schools across the State in 2013-14 have implemented Maryland's College and Career-Ready Standards. These standards incorporate the Common Core State Standards. Maryland was one of the first states to adopt the standards in reading/English language arts and mathematics. The Maryland State Board of Education adopted the standards by unanimous vote in June 2010.

The Common Core State Standards initiative is a state-led effort coordinated by the National Governor's Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. These rigorous education standards establish a set of shared goals and expectations for what students should understand and be able to do in grades K-12 in order to be prepared for success in college and the workplace. The standards are research and evidence based and internationally benchmarked. They have been voluntarily adopted by a total of 45 states and the District of Columbia.

Maryland's College and Career-Ready Standards form the foundation for Maryland's new State curriculum framework. Hundreds of classroom educators, instructional leaders, administrators, and higher education representatives continue to assist State officials in developing the new Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards Framework to support the implementation of these new standards.

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