posted message: Here are the reminders for the Unit Activity Wall posts: 10/3--The study group formally begins, please take a minute to post a few things about your self and your interest in this group on the Activity Wall. This way, we get to learn more about one another and we have practice posting on the Activity Wall. 10/10--Unit I initial post 10/13--Unit I reply to other posts 10/21--Unit II initial post 10/24--Unit II reply to other posts 11/1--Unit III initial post 11/4--Unit III reply to other posts 11/4--End of study group evaluation
posted message: Greetings to you all and welcome to the "Philosophy of Death" study group. This group is really a guided auto-didactic experience in which we each read some important primary works and watch some online lectures that relate to "how to think about death philosophically." The "tasks" that lead you to the content are posted at the left side of the study group home page. After every unit's materials, you are each asked to post your comments, ideas and questions about the materials in the unit. As this is a study group, the real idea is to help one another come to deeper understandings about the readings and lectures. In the next activity wall post, I will give an overview of the deadlines for Unit Activity Wall postings.