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Meet the Tinker-er, You the Maker

Gear up, equip your self to be the next maker. May be you will start with may be you will choose your own weapon.

Sign up for and make sure your browser can edit and save 3D models, meet the appropriate system requirements and get ready for a journey to the 3D world is a personal favorite, furthermore it is amazingly intuitive, pretty and fun, hence the weapon of choice for this course. I will be able to best support it as I am familiar with the interface.

Feel free to choose any CAD softwares (please look up the world CAD :) but unfortunately, you will have to look to other peers to support. We will all try our best. Web-based CAD softwares are recommended as they are easy to get started, sometimes free, and a whole lot less costly than Autodesk - more professional common softwares.

Tinkercad is a great place to start regardless

Get your account and system set up! Post your user name here, and also explain what does CAD stand for.


Task Discussion