Learn anything, with your peers.

At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.

This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.

Activity Wall

    posted message: I'm closing the sign-ups for this course because I think we have a large enough population to do something interesting, if people are interested in doing something.
    posted message: Slides from our OKCon talk are posted here: http://metameso.org/~joe/docs/Paragogy-talk-PDF.pdf Someone was filming the talk as well, so I expect we'll be able to post a link with video fairly soon.
    posted message: Hi all: you can find an updated version of the paper that this group's tasks are based on at http://metameso.org/~joe/docs/paragogy.pdf -- we'll be presenting this at OKCon at the end of the month, and of course you're invited (if you can make it to Berlin!). Would also love to get your thoughts here! Cheers, Joe
    posted message: Possibly, but I think it's better to set up a separate meeting at least initially.
    posted message: Can we do it during the community call?
    posted message: Hi all: I wonder what you would say to the idea of monthly meetings? I can think of two uses for such meetings off the top of my head: (1) to go over the subjects in our tasks and improve them internally; (2) to provide a service to other people around P2PU. Monthly meetings seem infrequent enough to not be a burden, but frequent enough to preserve some momentum between meetings (hopefully routing some of the energy into improving things in the group and around P2PU as a whole in the interim). If you're interested in participating in such meetings please give some suggestion about when it might work. (Fridays tend to be good for me, weekends are also OK.)
    posted message: I have completely revised the description of our tasks (although the outline remains roughly the same). I also moved all of the development-specific issues over to Lighthouse. The result should be a much more functional space for working on Shaping P2PU. Take a look - I'm very interested to get your views.
    posted message: @Jessica: Yeah, except for the major tasks, the rest of the items should be moved to Lighthouse. I just realized that I can delete tasks, or I would have done it sooner! The major tasks have some significant work done on them by myself and Charlie Danoff in http://metameso.org/~joe/paragogy/paragogy-latest.pdf (see the "Case study in paragogical evaluation"). However, that's really just a beginning - maybe some of the responses can be refactored into new tasks here. I'll try to work on that soon.
    posted message: The tasks seem more like threads for feedback. The obstacle for me is keeping up. The threads on community, dev and webcraft mailing lists are what I try to read as much as possible. Sometimes I miss something but if it ends up in Lighthouse then I'm more apt to see it, especially if it's moved to a milestone. Not sure what the solution is except maybe move some of these "tasks" on the left to tickets on Lighthouse if they haven't already. For example, the http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/p2pu-the-course/content/permissions-co-organizer-ship/ one is in place now. Though, I don't know the answer to the question.
    posted message: Does anyone want to serve as a "co-organizer" of the group, now that the platform supports this? The tasks I see for everyone at this point is to work to make this tool useful for the purpose of "Shaping P2PU". What are the obstacles as you see them?
    posted message: Hi Marisa: Great idea to include the previous comments as an attachment. Incidentally the main criticism was that our ideas weren't backed up with evidence, which I believe we've corrected this time by supplying a critical analysis of our experiences at P2PU in the core of the paper.
    posted message: Hello Joe and Charles, I will read the paper, who previous version I had already read. Did you also include the critique that you got from previous reviewers ( I remember that you submitted this paper to another conference)? It is usually a good idea to include comments from previous reviewers, because your paper might end up in their hands again... it is unlikely but it may happen!!!
    posted message: Charlie Danoff and I have a new ten page paper all ready to ship off to OKCon -- and now we learn they've moved their deadline to May 9th! Accordingly this gives is a chance to ask you for feedback. Of particular interest to the P2PU community will be pages 6-8 where we apply paragogy to evaluate our last half year of experiences as course organizers at P2PU. And of particular interest to this study group! -- the paper is my attempt to give a first pass to the major milestones listed as our Tasks. I'd sincerely appreciate any feedback and/or ideas about how to move forward. Paper is here: http://metameso.org/~joe/paragogy/paragogy-sunday.pdf
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    We're having a community phone call in 30 minutes if anyone would like to join in. More information on how to join and the agenda: http://pad.p2pu.org/community

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    I changed the name to "Shaping P2PU" because "Understanding P2PU" is (hopefully) implicit in that -- and the shorter title will make it show up nicer on the page listing all of the study groups.

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    Changed to "Understanding and Shaping P2PU". ("Policies" currently seems a bit restrictive, since we can understand and shape things in different ways...)

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    Correction: I think so too ;)

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    Yes, I thing so too.

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    "understanding and shaping p2pu policies" might work...

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    At the beginning this study group looked like a testing sandbox for trying out the software features and reporting bugs. Now it seams that is changing so participants will be able to "understand how P2PU works: how it is (or isn't) meeting its mission, how conversations about shaping the mission develop, and about how workflows work around the site". Is this correct? If it is then a cool title could be something like "Understanding P2PU". Thoughts?