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Dealing with problems in a respectful way

From paragogy-latest.pdf by Joseph Corneli and Charles Jeffrey Danoff.

  1. Review what was supposed to happen.
    Discussions about P2PU happen in the community mailing list and other places mentioned above. Bug reports are supposed to go into the Lighthouse tracker.

  2. Establish what happened.

    Discussions about P2PU happen in many places (e.g. in courses). Even within the mailing list, it is difficult to keep track of the full range of ideas circulating at any given time. There has been some talk about using the Lighthouse tracker for organizational matters, but this hasn’t taken off. Earlier experiments (e.g. using a shared spreadsheet) to keep track of organization-level tasks were undersubscribed.

  3. Determine what was right or wrong with what happened.
    Apart from development work, it is hard to tell what’s happening around P2PU. Presumably participants who have identified critical and unsolvable problems simply leave.

  4. Determine how the task should be done differently the next time.
    In a traditional university, there are typically a lot of ways to resolve problems without dropping out. P2PU is working on a new peer support model, which will should help with this issue. This will also function as a light-weight way to build organizational knowledge. However, issues related to the involvement of volunteers in organizational matters needs further attention.

Task Discussion