posted message: I'm closing the sign-ups for this course because I think we have a large enough population to do something interesting, if people are interested in doing something.
posted message: I've closed sign ups for the group because I think we have a large enough population to do interesting things, if people are actually motivated to do stuff here.
posted message: Slides from our OKCon talk are posted here: Someone was filming the talk as well, so I expect we'll be able to post a link with video fairly soon.
posted message: Hi all: you can find an updated version of the paper that this group's tasks are based on at -- we'll be presenting this at OKCon at the end of the month, and of course you're invited (if you can make it to Berlin!). Would also love to get your thoughts here! Cheers, Joe
posted message: Hi all, sorry I was late to to today's discussion. I added a few notes throughout the etherpad doc