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More Conversation - MeetUps, Groups, Hangouts

This is a place to make plans to connect outside of P2PU, online through Google Hangouts, or through in-person regional events.

Here are some ideas for getting together:

  • Plan a Hack Day (one day App Inventor training - see fall course) with other teams in your area.
  • Plan a group field trip to a tech company with other teams in your area. If there are no tech companies in your area, perhaps you can get together and watch the field trip videos (see fall course).
  • Plan a mentor mixer for tech professional women in your area. You may want to partner with a local group such as Women 2.0 or NYTechWomen.
  • Plan a career day where teams can meet other mentors in the area and learn more about what they do.
  • Teams that are participating in Technovation Challenge a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time can mentor a sister team, e.g. a team new to Technovation. Depending on where they are located, they may meet in person or virtually to help guide them through the Challenge.

Planning an event? Looking for a sister team? Want to connect with other teams in your area? Post your ideas here. 

Task Discussion