The purpose of this course is to teach students how to create a MOOC The main objective of this first class is to experiment and assist one another in developing and facilitating a " Massive Open Online Course". Mooc's are becoming extremely popular since their recent introduction. Courses are being taught by such famous universities as Harvard, MIT, University of Edinburough, and many others. Online free courses are being offered thru coursera, Ted, Udacity and Khan academy. Most of these providers though do not offer the chance for anyone to develop and offer a course with the exception of P2PU.

Objectives of the Course

The goals of the course are

to give you a firm grounding in the current state of the field of open education, including related topics like copyright, licensing, and sustainability,
to help you locate open education in the context of mainstream instructional technologies like learning objects, and
to get you thinking, writing, and dialoguing creatively and critically about current practices and possible alternative practices in open education.

Target Group

Who is this course for? Any requirements, prerequisites?


This is a non credit undergraduate-level course. This is a self paced course.


Weekly Reading and Blogging

Each week you should read the assigned material and blog answers to the questions for the week, or simply complete assignments for weeks when there are no readings or questions. Your blogging should demonstrate your understanding of the assigned reading material and should include original thoughts and synthesis.


Weekly assignments will be graded according to (1) the degree to which they completely answer the questions asked, (2) the degree to which they demonstrate understanding of the assigned reading material, and (3) the degree to which original thinking is evident in the writing. An extra point may be awarded when a student draws on and references others student writing effectively.


Week 1: Key readings, questions, assignments ...

QUESTIONS: In your opinion, is the "right to education" a basic human right? Why or why not? In your opinion, is open access to free, high-quality educational opportunity sufficient, or is it necessary to mandate education through a certain age or level?

Week 2:

Key readings, questions, assignments ...

Week 3:

Key readings, questions, assignments ...

Week 4:

Key readings, questions, assignments ...

Week 5:

Key readings, questions, assignments ...

Week 6:

Key readings, questions, assignments ...