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Welcome to College to Career, our five-week online course designed specifically for new Muhlenberg Alumni to gain job search knowledge, tools, and resources. I will be your course instructor over these next weeks, while working in partnership with our entire Career Center team, to ensure that you are well prepared and supported for a successful job search in the weeks ahead. You will find our course goals, content, and a bit about what to expect moving forward below.

I hope you will take a minute to watch my personal welcome to the course http://youtu.be/jMzmd3e3uZw and please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any additional questions or concerns.

All the best,


Senior Year Experience Manager

Career Center, Muhlenberg College

Course Goals:

  • Understand and develop the core knowledge and skills to create an effective resume and cover letter for future job applications
  • Utilize peer feedback and support to refine your search materials
  • Understand how to effectively communicate your strengths, skills, and accomplishments to a broad network of professionals
  • Develop a language for "branding" who you are and what professional opportunities you are seeking



How will we communicate?

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