Session 4: Follow-up & Reflection

Follow-up/thank you letters should be sent after each informational interview, phone call, job fair, and job or internship interview.


• Send within 24-48 hours after your interview.

• A letter can set you apart from other candidates, and the recipient will read your name and think about you one more time.

• Your letter gives you an opportunity to introduce additional information or an important skill or experience that you may have neglected to mention in the interview or in your application.

• Restate your interest in and enthusiasm for the position. If you have decided that the job is not of interest to you, either before or after the offer is extended, use the letter to thank the interviewer for her/his time.

• Send a customized letter to each individual with whom you spent a significant amount of time.

• Remember that you are still being evaluated and your writing is one of the criteria. Be certain the letter is free of typos and grammatical errors.

• Send a letter of acceptance if accepting an offer.


Some professionals argue that a handwritten letter conveys a personal touch and may imply sincerity. Others argue that a typed letter exhibits the level of professionalism that the employer can expect you to maintain while on the job. Also note that some industries move very quickly and rely heavily on technology; therefore, they may prefer email.


• If your handwriting is not legible, type the letter. Illegibility will do more harm than good.

• Consider the industry or company. A handwritten letter may be acceptable in some, but not others.

• When in doubt, err on the conservative side (type the letter).


Ask yourself the following questions:

• Did I ask all of my questions? Do I still have questions?

• Was I able to “sell” the value of my experience?

• What could I have done better?

• How did I come across? (Was I confident? shy? assertive? nervous?)

• How could I have improved my interview preparation?

• How can I do better on my next interview?

• Did I get a clear understanding of the culture and can I see myself fitting into that culture?

• What would you do differently for your next interview?

• What have you learned about yourself through this experience?


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