Welcome to the Speak Polish in 2 Hrs learning event.

Morskie Oko

Morskie Oko. Image by Indrik myneur. CC-BY

Are you planning to visit Poland soon? Or do you perhaps have a Polish neighbour who you'd like to greet in Polish some day? This learning event is perfect if you have little or no prior knowledge of Polish. It will give you a taste of language skills that will help you speak Polish.

We’ll start with introductions, and then we'll move on to a brief exploration of Poland and its culture. As a language hobbyist, I think it's crucial to have a little bit of background about the culture of the language you’re learning. This helps with motivation and provides tons of ideas for learning. For example, if you are an avid cook, you'll find it exciting to learn how to call various ingredients and dishes. I’ve been learning Chinese and I found a video on YT on how to say and draw the Chinese character for bread. This illustration helped me remember the word for bread. The next activity ‘saying hi and bye’ will help you learn how to greet people in Polish. I hope you’ll enjoy the activities and learn more than what’s been prepared for you in this learning event! Note that one of the outcomes is ‘other’ which stands for something else that you’ve learned as part of this journey, either by chance, or intentionally.

Expected time to complete: 2 hours

Event hashtag: PolishLE

By the end of this learning event, you will be able to:

  • increase your understanding of Poland and its culture

  • greet someone and respond to a greeting in Polish

  • other (set by you)

Participation expectation

You are expected to participate in all activities, to maximise your learning and the learning of others. However, as this learning event is asynchronous and self-directed, feel free to create your own learning pathway using the activities provided.


There is no formal assessment. You will receive informal feedback from the facilitator and your peers on the final two tasks: a recording and a digital artifact.

Technical Requirements

You will need these accounts:

  • P2PU

  • VoiceThread

  • other web 2.0 tools of your choice to complete the assessment tasks

Next activity: Who are you?