This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Edit, Upload and Critique [April 22, 2012, 11:25 a.m.]

this page still under development more to come

You should have several short clips that you have captured

  • edit
  • add audio
  • add credit
  • register for an account on Youtube, Vimeo or anohter video sharing service The Machinima Livebinder has a tab on the subject)  Youtube, though the most popular does not have the highest quality.
  • Upload a very short (30 secs to 1 min) edited clip to your account
  • Embed your clip on the P2P site and prepare for Constructive Feedback (there is an embed button in the menu when you add comments and the embed code can be copied form the posting site)
  • We will provide feedback when we meet to help colleagues improve their product - format for providing SPECIFIC feedback (which BTW works great when guiding kids in providing meaningful feedback that helps the recipient to think and reflect rather than defend)  is:
  1. Warm feedback ( ex. I like how the lighting adds to the mood of the story, The sound effects are effective in highlighting the action)
  2. Cool feedback - in the form of specific questions (ex.  Have you considered...., I wonder if...., I am not sure I understand...)

If you cannot meet online please provide your feedback here on P2P.  Remember these are not completed products but potential parts of the completed product and feedback helps to perfect the final product.