posted message: Hello everybody! Lesson 1 - Player Input and DOM manipulation - is (halfway) up. It's at that link under "Tasks" that says "Lesson 1". There's three videos and two code examples so far; these are to be followed by three more videos and one more code example that I will add later this week. But you can start checking out the videos and examples now. Also I've added the next round of tasks. There are some coding tasks for next week under the link that says "Task 2". Possibly more important, I would also like everybody to start planning the game they're going to make for their final project, so the other task is to write a paragraph about that. Please, ask lots of questions!
posted message: Thanks to everyone who submitted their first task for this course. I'll be reading over them all and will try to get back to each one of you with comments on your code by Friday at the latest. Today I'll kick off the course by posting the first set of videos and sample code files, and I'll also give out the next assignment. Stay tuned.
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Hey everybody, If I haven't answered your message yet, it's because I was on vacation this week. I just got back and I am catching up on communication now.

The course is no longer "under development", and signup is still open today and tomorrow. I'll be posting the first set of video tutorials tomorrow morning.

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Since some people asked: When you finish the first task, please send me a direct message on this website. If you were able to find a place to host your files on the Web, just send me the link! If you have working files but nowhere to host them, then let me know and I'll give you instructions for emailing them directly.

Once the study group begins on April 25, I will post the links publicly so that we can all review and learn from each other's solutions.

More details are on the First Task page (see left sidebar).

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If you're looking for an intro to Javascript before diving into game development, you could check out the P2PU Javascript 101 course: The course has ended but you can still review and learn from their materials.

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I've got a GitHub tutorial link now (, thanks to Atul Varma.