The Connected Learning Course is a collaboration between university students in Germany and Israel. The course aims to bring students together and share the results of their individual challenges as part of the local courses in Berlin and Tel-Aviv. These challenges are related to using digital media to connect to people and resources to contribute to a specific academic achievement, career goal or civic engagement. The community of students is build in which students share the challenges they set up for themselves, present the outcomes and are peer-awarded with badges for their achievements .

The course idea is based on the DML report on "Connected Learning":

Connected learning means that a students pursues a personal interest, passion or goal with the support of digital media to connect to others (e.g. peers, experts, teachers) to link learning to academic achievement, career success or civic engagement.

Connected learning knits together three crucial contexts for learning:

  1. Peer-supported: In their exchanges with peers, experts and teachers, students contribute, share and give feedback and learn through engaging social experiences.

  2. Interest-powered: Students choose their own challenges which match their individual interests and aspirations, in this way engaging in activities which are personally interesting and relevant to achieve higher-order learning outcomes.

  3. Development-oriented: Students can realize their potential when they can connect their interests and social engagement to civic engagement and and career opportunity as part of their personal and professional development.

The participating universities and courses are:

  1. Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin; Course "Connected Learning" (2.5 ECTS)
  2. Tel Aviv University, Israel; Course "Mobile Supported Learning"
  3. Tel Aviv University, Israel; Course "Media and Science Education"
  4. Levinsky College of Education, Israel; Course "Social Media in Education"