This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Start Documenting

Complete 1/3 tasks to start documenting your learning.

Do one or more of the following:

  1. Start a blog to track your learning. Try or and make a schedule to post weekly.
  2. Create a Google Docs account to create a doc, spreadsheet or presentation to track your learning. (
  3. Use to create a notebook and start collecting and creating info about open badges.

What platform did you settle on? Share your public resource in the discussion forum below.

Task Discussion

  • Mark Norton said:

    I have a blog I've established previously called EduMark.  I have a GoogleDocs account and have used it to create various documents.  I have also used Google Sites to create personal web sites.

    on Nov. 4, 2012, 11:42 a.m.
  • katiecwilkie said:

    I will track my progress in this course (and on my badges project) at this blog:

    Feel free to give feedback on anything I'm working on! I would love to do the same for any of you, if you have your own projects!

    on Oct. 3, 2012, 10:50 a.m.
  • Chrissi Nerantzi said:

    Hi everybody,

    I am @chrissinerantzi on Twitter

    my WOrdpress blog is available at

    and I use Google on a regular basis with my colleagues and students. 

    Very happy to be contacted.

    I feel that I am learning more about open badges which is good and useful.



    on Sept. 22, 2012, 12:44 p.m.
  • NancyJ said:

    I get the feeling that I'll never finish this project to earn my badge. I'm not one to read, let alone write, a blog. I'll have to think abou this one for a while.

    God love those who love to blog, it's just not in my dna. Is there a make up exam or extra credit I could do instead?? lol

    on Sept. 18, 2012, 3:08 p.m.

    EllieRH said:

    Hi Nancy,

    If you are still around, I'm curious as to what you decided on for this? I don't see that you received a response here in the Discussion. I am also not ready to start blogging, but I do see I can track my learning in a Google doc as an alternative. However, I'm not sure if or with whom I need to share that doc. Let me know if you are interested in a Google Doc collaboration for this. Ellie

    on Dec. 11, 2012, 6:31 p.m. in reply to NancyJ
  • missrithenay said:

    I've started a blog to track my adventures in badges and gamification at


    You can also follow me on Twitter @missrithenay!

    on Sept. 14, 2012, 10:57 a.m.
  • Dirk said:

    I'm on Twitter as @filmhawk.  I used to tweet a lot more than I do now.  Have been moving towards using Google+, yet don't know a lot of ardent users there to interact with.

    As for starting a blog, I'll pass on this. I have 2 already that are severely neglected.  Open to more ways to share information though.

    And as for Google Docs, if there was a power user badge, I'd have that in my backpack.

    on Aug. 8, 2012, 3:38 p.m.
  • Stephielayne said:

    I have been using the twitter handle @slrichter for awhile now. I don't post very regularly, but I use it to keep up on what is going on in the world of EdTech.

    I also have a blog at wordpress, but I'm not sure how I feel about blogging, so I haven't ever made a post to it!

    on Aug. 7, 2012, 4:38 p.m.
  • ToddF said:

    Using Google docs for now.  Keeping it simple.

    on Aug. 7, 2012, 11:22 a.m.

    Leah MacVie said:

    Don't underestimate the power of Google Docs. You could collaborate there as well!

    on Aug. 7, 2012, 2:30 p.m. in reply to ToddF
  • Amy said:

    I just started a new blog, Chronicles of an Info Junkie:  

    Twitter: @amy_jane

    on July 27, 2012, 5:55 p.m.

    Leah MacVie said:

    I am now following you, Amy! Thanks for sharing.

    on Aug. 7, 2012, 2:32 p.m. in reply to Amy
  • fboss said:

    I already keep a blog of my educaational thoughts and ideas called "Once More Around the Bowl" and recently used it to document some of my learning and thoughts about the Google Power Searching online course.

    I will be adding info to it about this look at the world of Open Badges too.

    You can follow me on Twitter @fboss (I'm already subsrcibed to the list from the last module and following the people that are on it too) and I look forward to your follow.

    I also moderate the hashtag #edchatie which is used for Irish Educators to stay in touch on all things education in Ireland.

    You can see the results of our last 63 conversations (which are held every Monday night from 8.30-9.30pm - however, we've taken a break for the summer, so the next #edchatie will start on Monday 27th August) by going to the #edchatie Wiki

    As I've said before, I'm involved with the Computer Education Society of Ireland and I'm looking at using Open BAdges in our Conference, next spring.

    on July 27, 2012, 12:26 p.m.
  • momof7c said:

    I decided to use my existing twitter account @hawaiiala for tweets on developing badges for our small private K12 school.  I really love this concept!

    on July 14, 2012, 9:29 p.m.

    Leah MacVie said:

    Excellent! See you on Twitter!

    on July 20, 2012, 12:19 p.m. in reply to momof7c
  • Liz Renshaw said:

    At the moment Twitter is my preferred way to build my PLN and engage with new learning opportunities. You wil find me @gruenabc.  I've already started following some new bodes who are into badges.

    Also I'm involved in P2Pu in creating the new E Portfolios course. There has been some conversations about how badges could fit within this course. So it will be interesting to see how things evolve.

    on June 20, 2012, 1:23 a.m.

    Leah MacVie said:

    Oooh- Liz , can you send us the EPortfolio course link? Also, I am now following you on Twitter!

    on June 29, 2012, 9:29 a.m. in reply to Liz Renshaw

    Liz Renshaw said: Here's the link. Kicking off on 9 July. Im sure there will be some interesting discussions on the place of badges ........

    I'm enjoying your challenges.... keep creating them please. smiley

    on June 30, 2012, 1:28 a.m. in reply to Leah MacVie

    Leah MacVie said:

    Thanks so much Liz. I'm officially signed up! 

    Thanks so much about your comment...looks like an Open Badges 102 will be in the works as requested by Mozilla last week. :)

    on June 30, 2012, 11:09 a.m. in reply to Liz Renshaw
  • Infernaldepart said:

    Hi I'm looking to develop a badging system for a #digitalstudies ICT curriculum in the UK. We are looking to develop a digital badges system to reward students for 

    • Skills the have developed - Skill Badges
    • For the digital products they have developed - Achievement Badges


    I am @infernaldepart on twitter and I have started to blog about #digitalbadges and #openbadges at

    Ive been using #digitalbadges as a hashtag for tweets about badges and have started a lists using Ifttt to collate users tweeting about digital badges and open badges

    I am in the process of collating my ideas so far and future plans on a Google Doc which i will update with a link over the half term holidays next week.

    on May 31, 2012, 5:12 a.m.

    Leah MacVie said:

    Thanks so much for sharing these amazing resources! Once you got that Google Doc up and running, shoot me the link and I'll add it to our reading list. 

    I read that you were a Moodler...I think LMSs are one of the places I see badges being utilized. We can encourage students by building in little gratification points along the way in modules. Also, perhaps there can be a general skills repository= it helps for instructors to know the types of skills students have built up in previous classes. For example, one of my religious studies instructors has the students document interviews with people of different cultures and religions in the area and then montage a video in Movie Maker. I think we 'assume' these students know how to montage because they are 'YouTubers', but that isn't always the case. If the LMS  could help track student skills, then instructors would be more aware of who needs remedial help. ..Just some thoughts. :)

    on May 31, 2012, 4:14 p.m. in reply to Infernaldepart
  • John Martin, aka EdVentures said:

    I'm EdVentures on Twitter, Plurk, Facebook and just about everywhere else! 

    I used to blog extensively at but job changes and a desire to get deeper into things had a major impact on my ability to publicly reflect on my activities.

    After the Great Twitter Fail Whale of '08, I jumped to Plurk as my primary PLN but it feeds my Twitter and Facebook accounts so I don't have to replicate my communications as much. The microblog approach is a little more superficial than I'd like but works with the amount of time I have to dedicate to it.

    on May 24, 2012, 2:12 p.m.

    Leah MacVie said:

    WOW John- I have never heard of Plurk! That was a first for me and to find out you switched from Twitter to it...well, now you got me interested! Your Web site is awesome, btw, I love that ability to track your learning!

    on May 24, 2012, 4:08 p.m. in reply to John Martin, aka EdVentures

    John Martin, aka EdVentures said:

    For me the biggest value in switching to Plurk was the threaded thought stream. For live blogging events or for having a longer, encapsulated conversation, the threading is key. Thanks for setting up this challenge. P2PU is brand new to me, I found it while I was doing research into the open badge idea. This is a neat way to springboard PD!

    on May 25, 2012, 3:03 p.m. in reply to Leah MacVie
  • Peter Rawsthorne said:

    My blogging occurs on my and other community engagement work occurs in numerous different locations. I am a big believer in homebases and outposts, so I find engageing in the conversation where it happens is best. It seems to me the openbadges community is forming here at p2pu and in the #openbadges hashtag.

    I beginning to build up some educational resources on the Mozilla wiki and have begun some sample development work on one of my servers... looking forward to publishing some of my samples soon...

    My twitter handle is!/prawsthorne

    I'm looking forward to participating in this extended community.

    on May 22, 2012, 1:55 a.m.

    Leah MacVie said:

    Interesting comments about keeping the conversation where it started....I guess that's why this challenge has helped me so much. I feel like there is so much info out there-- I just wanted a place to track of what I was reading and a good order for others to learn the badge concept. Not only am I now following you...I added you to the badges list! Thanks for your comments Peter!

    on May 24, 2012, 4:30 p.m. in reply to Peter Rawsthorne
  • rcitow said:

    I blog along with Dan Hickey at Remediating Assessment about the badges initiative and the goings on regarding badges. 

    I am also keeping track of my work on Google Docs

    on May 22, 2012, 12:44 a.m.

    Leah MacVie said:

    Rebecca, I am so glad I visited your site. Are you loving the Learning Sciences program at Indiana?  Is Curtis Bonk teaching in that program? I looked at it and would have chose it had it been 'low-residency'. It looks amazing!

    on May 24, 2012, 4:31 p.m. in reply to rcitow
  • Doug Belshaw said:

    I've been blogging about Open Badges both on my own blog and at DMLcentral. :-)

    on May 19, 2012, 5:30 p.m.

    Leah MacVie said:

    Some great posts here...especially 'Reframing the Debate'..

    on May 21, 2012, 10:12 a.m. in reply to Doug Belshaw
  • opencontent said:

    Tracking my learnings on my blog at, e.g., Also sharing what I've learned through the source code of

    on May 18, 2012, 4:48 p.m.

    Leah MacVie said:

    David, can you tell us more about OK- so I got my #, but I don't have any groups. Does this mean I have to create groups in my backpack? 

    I have come across your Winter course before- and was so jealous I wasn't a part of it. Please add me to the list if you run it again. 

    Also, I know you've tried your best to break down the code (I'm sure it makes sense to most coders) but I wouldn't know where to begin to connect all of that behind the scenes in Wordpress. I'm assuming you are running your course site on Wordpress, so it has to work. I haven't found any tutorial videos out there on YouTube. If you have any resources for 'laypeople', I would greatly appreciate you replying. :)

    on May 21, 2012, 10:43 a.m. in reply to opencontent

    opencontent said:


    Before you can see any groups in BadgeWidgetHack you have to (1) add some badges to a group in your backpack (just drag and drop the badge icons on the left into one of the grey Group ovals on the right) and then mark it public (a little check box in the bottom left corner of the grey oval). Then you'll see a group name in BWH.

    The awesome thing about the Intro to Open Ed course is that you can do it any time! I'm not sure when I'll organize another cohort to run through it. Next academic year, I suppose? But you're free to earn badges there any time you like.

    You want to copy/paste the BWH code into a text widget in your Wordpress. Do you know where the widget controls are in the Wordpress admin interface? 

    on May 21, 2012, 10:57 a.m. in reply to Leah MacVie

    Leah MacVie said:

    I know it's not your fault, David, but I haven't been able to sign into Browser ID for a long time. IT keeps telling me the server is taking a LOOONG time--- I've tried different computers, different logins, and I went through all of the recommended steps from Mozilla. :(

    As soon as I do have access...I can't wait to try the WidgetHack!! 

    Thanks for sharing this info with the group! I hope others have better luck!

    on May 31, 2012, 4:23 p.m. in reply to opencontent

    Liz Renshaw said:

     Thnkx for sharing this as I have been going quietly mad trying to use the Browser ID. Have you managed to get access yet?

    on June 20, 2012, 1:12 a.m. in reply to Leah MacVie
  • Christopher Crawford said:

    I have been tracking my Open Ed endevours on posterous

    Making a schedule is great, I haven't done that yet b/c I have mostly been working in spare time between traditional classes and job

    on May 9, 2012, 10:17 p.m.

    Leah MacVie said:

    Good for you Chris! This tracking blog is coming along nicely!

    on May 21, 2012, 10:44 a.m. in reply to Christopher Crawford