This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Identify your data dependencies

Identifying what data you are trusting in the hands of someone else is your first step to liberate that data. For some of us it may be a simple process, but here are some questions to guide you:

  • Who controls your email
  • Who controls your contacts
  • Who controls your photos
  • Who controls your blog

Make a list of all the online places that stores your data. If you don't mind, please share your list with us!

Task Discussion

  • Dirk   April 24, 2013, 4:01 a.m.

    This is a test

  • Dirk   Feb. 4, 2013, 8:40 a.m.

    And now?

  • Dirk   Feb. 4, 2013, 8:34 a.m.

    Does this actually work?

  • dirkOID   Aug. 7, 2012, 9:19 a.m.

    test quick response?

  • dirkOID   Aug. 7, 2012, 9:02 a.m.

    new comment

  • dirkOID   July 10, 2012, 1 p.m.

    On what are you dependant?

  • dirkOID   July 10, 2012, 1:11 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Dirk   July 10, 2012, 1 p.m.


  • dirkOID   July 10, 2012, 1:29 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Dirk   July 10, 2012, 1:26 p.m.
    I'm sure the trimming will happen now?
  • dirkOID   July 11, 2012, 5:56 a.m.
    In Reply To:   Dirk   July 11, 2012, 5:56 a.m.
    O yeah, I have to test the
  • dirkOID   Aug. 7, 2012, 9 a.m.
    In Reply To:   dirkOID   July 10, 2012, 1 p.m.

    Lets test this!!