Thesis: On Language and Human Progression

Outline Version .001 (RoughDraft) Last Updated 12/26/2014 -by dewdew

Part I. Brief Overview & Rationality for Developing a Universal Language

Each culture has devised its own language, consisting at minimum, a common speech, and as the culture advances, symbolic representation, in the form of writing is developed within each one, all the while each and every language continually develops as new concepts and constructs are introduced into it.

The diversity of the human language enriches our lives, as it teaches us to communicate/process thoughts from different perspectives, or type of rationality, enabling us to expand our scope of understanding of one another and our surroundings.

Unfortunately, many languages from around the world are becoming endangered as globalization takes its root. There are two forces at play here... you have inter-connectedness (a pulling together kind of force) and with it those who try to enforce the practice of a dominate language... and the other force-of-diversity (a flowering apart kind of force) which preserves specialized-type-of-thinking, as it is so among the differing philosophies, arts, and sciences of the world; such as Traditonal Chinese Medicine, Almanacs, Kundalini Experiences, Common Law, Bill of Rights, Martial Arts, Culinary Arts, and so forth.

Nature itself hints at us the importance of "biodiversity", as we are now suffering consequences in the industries of food and agriculture, due to mass-scale farming of single crops, sometimes up to hundreds of acres at a time which literally depletes soil nutrients “en masse”, destroying eco-systems, and having the power to even change climate itself. It's proven that this universal-style-of-farming is not self-sustaining, and even detrimental to our own health and well being. On a positive note, however, educators and researchers are taking the lead by spreading the word about their thoughts, experimentations, and observations about "biodiversity" through online journals such as National Geographic (Food Series) and through social networks such as and (just do a site-search on "biodiversity").

Perhaps we should take note that being universal is not necessarily key to our success of advancing human civilization. What is key however, is

cooperation of our "best efforts",

to share and live in our world with one another in a compassionate and sustainable way. I believe the “Open-Source Revolution” is a key dynamic in this regard.

So concerning the progression of human language, the premises (my rationality) are these:

A) That language SHALL ALWAYS be in a continuous phase of development as long as we collectively continue to broaden our knowledge-base about our intertwined universe.

B) That the following factors SHALL preserve the diversity of the human language:

i) Localization -the fact that we are separated geographically

ii) Privacy -the concern to keep our personal matters private-in-nature

iii) Specialization -the combination that branches of knowledge are continuously expanding at the local levels

iv) Tradition -the desire to connect with our ancestral roots, or to establish new ones

C) That the following factors SHALL determine the universal use of an auxiliary (common-core) language:

i)Commons (A/K/A Opens)

ii)Global Economics, Logistics, and Contemporary Issues

Note: This entails "True Cost Economics" and by applying "QS Technologies" to a much larger sociological and even ecological scale.

iii)Record-Keeping & Accountability

iv)Shared Heritage

v) Internet Connectivity

Note: "Internet Connectivity" is just one example of our "Shared Heritage" but I think probably the most relevant in determining whether a universal language will come to fruition.

Part II. P2P Collaboration and Basic Considerations

So, in conclusion to my brief introduction, I've decided to use p2pU as my platform to work with others, whether (counter)culture enthusiasts, linguists, visionaries, or educators, to create an "Universal Human Language" that will help us achieve our human/social potential. If this is to exceed, then we must consider the following perspectives:

1) Historical -the past and current interests to push for this [1] [2] [3]

2) Practical -The general and specific needs for this development. [4]

3) Popularity -The appeal and attraction among the general population for this.

4) Awareness -The understanding that this is an inevitable part of our evolutionary process

5) Adaptability -The capacity and ability of this universal language to grow with the times.

6) Vision -How do we see ourselves collectively thinking with one another in the times-to-come?


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