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Give feedback to another team

Improve your activity by getting feedback from a fresh pair of eyes.

Time to get in the giving spirit! To complete this task we want you to do three things: first, start a post that includes a link to you final activity.  Second, find someone else's activity, and give them feedback on it by replying to their comment. Third, after you get feedback from someone else, refine your lesson and repost it as a reply to the feedback comment.

Remember to be kind and constructive when giving feedback.  Look for ways to improve the activity, maybe ask for more clarification on a certain part of the instructions. Offer suggestions for improvement. Feel free to use the questions we posed in the earlier parts of the challenge as impetus.

When getting feedback- remember not to take it personally.  It's always useful to get a fresh eye on your project, because sometimes we get so wrapped up in the details we miss a key point in how someone may misinterpret our activity or greatly simplify it. We tell our kids that their projects are almost never right the first time, and the same goes for our activity designers! Activities can almost always use help.

TO COMPLETE THIS CHALLENGE: Post your completed lesson as a comment to this thread. Find someone who hasn't gotten feedbakc on their lesson, and give them feedback as a reply to their comment.  When you get feedback, incorporate it into your lesson and repost it!


Task Discussion