This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

4: Fix a bug [July 29, 2011, 11:39 a.m.]

First: Do we want to work as pairs/groups or by ourselves? I assumed that people would want to pair for this task.


Fix a bug

When: May 16 - May 30

  1. In your group, decide on a bug on Lighthouse
  2. Leave a comment on the bug saying that your group has taken it
  3. Make changes, test, commit with descriptions as you go
  4. When done, push to your github account
  5. Do a pull request
    • I usually put a callback to the bug fix by listing its number in the pull request/commit. Example
  6. Comment on the bug on Lighthouse that there is a pull request 


Writing Task:

Did you run into any stumbling blocks? How'd you overcome them? What'd you learn? Any ideas for how to improve the process? Did you like pairing/grouping? What's the next bug/task you're going to tackle?