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First day Task: What writing and literacy learning connections do you make in your work & practice? [July 9, 2012, 8:23 a.m.]

Good morning and happy July 9th! As this the first day of our Making Writing and Literacy Learning Connections study group we would like to kick things off, writing project-style, with a common prompt to get the juices flowing and help us get to know each other a little better.

Frank Romanelli, a participant in this study group, introduced himself upon joining with this video which shares the connections he is making when thinking about literacy and learning.

So why don’t we all do the same or similar (no need to make a video, but no reason not to either if you are so inspired! smiley) …

What writing and literacy learning connections do you make/strive to make in your work and practice? What possibilities do you see as well as what challenges or questions emerge?