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Prototype your design challenges

Test out and refine your design challenges.

At this point, you have the faint structure of a lesson plan in your design challenge, but you need to test it out before fleshing it out more fully.  You will put yourself in the shoes of a child and try to work through your design challenges.  At this point, you may adjust your design challenge phrasing, maybe by changing the goal or adding constraints to the process.

Here are the questions you should ask yourself as you prototype: Is this design too simplistic or needlessly complex? Is there a strong component of that activity that can be redesigned during the process of achieving the goal?  Is the component that is being redesigned related to the concept I am trying to teach, or am I fiddling with an inconsequential detail of the design? (meaning, you don't want a design about boat bouyancy to be overwhelmed with how to glue parts together, you want it to be about selection of components that effect buoyancy).  Is the design too open-ended, and can it be more challenging by the use of constraints? Is the design too constrained, and would benefit from allowing redesign of one of the components?

TO COMPLETE THIS TASK: Post the final design challenge that you have decided upon.  Also post at least one of the following things:

  • Pictures from the prototyping process
  • Learning points from designs that did not work
  • Reasons why you decided to change the wording of you design challenge

Task Discussion