This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Research your concept

Research your concepts, and create a design prompt.

First, research your topic to become an expert on it. Find 2-3 examples of the concept.  Look up different real world uses. What ways do scientists/references use to describe or define the concept? What are a few definition of the concept. Why is this relevant/useful in the world?

Next, choose a concept and limit it to it’s core elements. If you had to boil the understanding of the idea into one or two core elements, what would those be?  What does someone really need to know to have an understanding for this topic?  This should be no more than 1-2 Core Ideas, and should also be free of any sort of jargon.

At this point, you are not thinking of what needs to happen to get someone to understand a concept, but just what understanding looks like. This will lead into prompts that will guide the next section.  The prompts should have the structure "How might we teach that..."

TO COMPLETE THIS TASK: Post a link to your design prompt that include pictures, video, weblinks and drawings. Also tell us about your Core Idea, and your design prompt.

Task Discussion