use the Mozilla Developer Network HTML reference [0] to identify and use basic HTML tags
translate HTML tags like <div>, <p> into real world structures
Great examples, demonstrates knowledge of basic html tags.
HTML Basic
I learnt some basic html tags and how they could be of use. I've learnt that html doesn't need to be as intimidating as it seems because a lot of the time the tags themselves are very self-descriptive.
I feel like I deserve this badge because I've taken the time to complete all the tasks required and have demonstrated my understanding of their objectives through the work I've posted on my blog.
If I've not done enough, please advise on what I need to do next in order to receive this badge.
Thank you!
Assessment from Christopher Crawford on March 20, 2012, 9:05 a.m.
Great examples, demonstrates knowledge of basic html tags.
Assessment from Anonym on March 27, 2012, 2:46 p.m.
The examples given are creative and demonstrate a strong working knowledge of HTML tags.
Assessment from Taurus on April 4, 2012, 5:59 a.m.
The work shows a creative mind and an understanding of html tags.