HTML Basic
HTML Basic


G Powell


I thought this was one of the best exercises I have ever done regarding HTML.  I gained an excellent understanding of the structure of a webpage and where the HTML tags go, in order to achieve this. 

The actual task of finding images relevant to specific tags embedded the structure into my memory bank greater than anything I have tried before.

Whilst my work is weak in comparison to others, in terms of creativity, and forgive the big sob story, but I have a very weak internet connection where I am and no camera.  However, hopefully my work demonstrated enough understanding of basic HTML and I believe, and feel, very confident to build a webpage from scratch.

I would love this badge as a reflection of my HTML knowledge.


G Powell

Link to work submitted


  • Received 3 reviews of the 3 reviews needed.
  • The posted reviews give this work submission a total average score of 3.83 (needs to be at least 3 for the badge to be awarded).
