HTML Basic
HTML Basic


Usama Ibraheem

I learned to use different blogging systems on BloggerWordPressTumblr and Posterous.

But I chose to offer the link to the blog on Tumblr as the main link because Tumblr surprises me with the features of blogging in there, you can blog as TEXT, PHOTO, QUOTE, CHAT, LINK, AUDIO, and VIDEO.

I learned to be patient and spend more time on learning what I want to learn, it is not a matter of wishes, or even copy/paste process, it is fantastic to do it yourself.

I think that I deserve the badge to help me to achieve one more step on the road to be a good blogger, and that I offered new ideas related to introduce HTML in the world around us.

wish you all very good luck ever.

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  • Received 2 reviews of the 3 reviews needed.
  • The posted reviews give this work submission a total average score of 4.00 (needs to be at least 3 for the badge to be awarded).
