use the Mozilla Developer Network HTML reference [0] to identify and use basic HTML tags
translate HTML tags like <div>, <p> into real world structures
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HTML Basic
I have been codeing with HTML and CSS sience 2006, I even help my sister code websites from time to time and she has been coding sience 2009. I only submitted basic examples and only a few of them because this badge only requires basics.In total, in the HTML language there are more ways to code than I wish to count, depending on if you want it to be secure, reliable, a balence of the two, etc. Also if anyone wants a more in depth explanation I can have it prepard in a short amount of time, Keep in mind though, if I give a more in depth version, I would end up giving examples of the entire HTML 4.01 and HTML 5 code and also useing code snippets used in real world situitions..The work I am submitting is as follows:
<html>Everything written in html goes in between these two tags</html>
<!-- This is a comment line. -->
<body>Body of the webpage goes here</body>
<div style="color:#8B0000">
<h3>This heading would be Dark Red useing this codeing</h3>
<p>This Paragraph would also be Dark Red useing this codeing </p>
Assessment from Ken Doman on May 1, 2013, 12:50 a.m.
no link to a website.